Another recent example which is called “Virux” (see PE_VIRUX variants - TrendMicro)
Are you a Conficker Zombie?
Another recent example which is called “Virux” (see PE_VIRUX variants - TrendMicro)
Conficker; A Bounty Hunter’s Guide
You know things are serious when Microsoft Corp. ponies up a $250,000 bounty. The software vendor is offering the cash in exchange for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the Conficker worm creator(s).
It's part of an unprecedented and coordinated response with ICANN and security researchers from Afilias, AOL LLC , Arbor Networks Inc. , CNNIC, F-Secure Corp. , Georgia Tech, Global Domains International Inc., Internet Storm Center (ISC) , M1D Global, NeuStar Inc. (NYSE: NSR), Public Internet Registry, Shadowserver Foundation, Support Intelligence, Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq: SYMC), and VeriSign Inc. (Nasdaq: VRSN) to disable the hosting and distribution of the worm.
Obviously no one's out to justify or encourage the "Wild West" ethics where this reward's concerned, and it's not the first time Microsoft has gone this route. In 2005, the vendor offered $250,000 for the identity of the creator of Netsky, a.k.a. the Sasser worm, leading to the unmasking of German student Sven Jaschan. But for the interested, the curious, and the bounty-minded, what follows is a starter guide and roadmap to help this latest industry-wide effort along.
What is Conficker?
First, do not get blindsided by the linguistics, and its plethora of names. Conficker.A is what CA Inc. (Nasdaq: CA) calls it, but it also goes by Conficker.worm (McAfee Inc. (NYSE: MFE)); Downadup (Symantec); and Kido and (Kaspersky Lab ). They are all the same thing. It spreads through the use of network shares and weak passwords. Additionally, it uses Windows AutoRun functionality, wherein autorun.inf files are copied to USB drives and other removable media.
When Conficker takes control of the user’s PC
• Injects its code into the address space of one of the “svchost.exe” system processes.
• Disables system restore
• Blocks any addresses which contain the following strings:
indowsupdate / wilderssecurity / threatexpert / castlecops / Spamhaus / cpsecure / arcabit / emsisoft / sunbelt / securecomputing / rising / prevx / pctools / norman / k7computing / ikarus /hauri / hacksoft / gdata / fortinet / ewido / clamav / comodo / quickheal / avira / avast / esafe / ahnlab / centralcommand / drweb / grisoft / eset nod32 / f-prot / jotti / Kaspersky / f-secure / computerassociates / networkassociates / etrust /panda / Sophos / trendmicro / mcafee / Norton Symantec / Microsoft defender / rootkit / malware / spyware / virus
Each day, the worm generates a fresh list of about 250 random domain names such as It then checks those domains for new instructions, verifying their cryptographic signature to ensure that they were created by Conficker's author. It should be stressed that this malware is infecting PCs but has not yet been switched on via command and control functions to act as a botnet.
From whence did Conficker spring?
Where are the major infection centers?
Who created Conficker?
Resolving –

Happy hunting!
Cloning Security

It should not surprise anyone to realize Internet security research, forums, and information Websites are attacked on a regular or even daily basis. Mostly it is nuisance spam, bogus log-in attempts, or hack attempts to gain entry to the administrator side, and in more intense cases, DDoS.
But this cloning approach emerged from investigation only in the last week. To begin with, there was the discovery purely by accident, of an exact clone of the HostExploit Website. After further investigation, it was discovered this was not an isolated case, with one server hosting clones of security sites like (McAfee),,,,,,,,,, (IBM), and (IBM).
In itself this was a worrying discovery, if simply viewed from content theft, hijacked traffic, click through, SSL forgery, PayPal information, and RSS links etc., of relatively high-traffic security sites. However, in parallel to the emergence of these clones commencing on Friday and over the weekend, several of the real sites listed as clones and a few others -- Metasploit, Zone-H, and Kaspersky -- were under hacker or DDoS attack, and in some cases a mixture of the two. For a while a couple sites were completely unavailable for a day or so, and one or two are still under a continuous DDoS attack.
Working off limited data from server logs and network traffic, at least a couple of the attacks originated from Poland (AS5617 TPNET); Romania (AS 9050 Romtelecom, AS39650 VIANET); Russia (JSC servers funneled via RTcomm, and Rostelecom via AS9002 RETN); and Turkey (AS9121 TTNet, AS8386 KOCNET). Many of these servers appear regularly on lists of the worst European offenders for hosting spam and exploits, according to the German-based anti-spam service UCEprotect.
I must emphasize here that there's no proven link between the appearances of the clones and this weekend's attacks. This could be a simple coincidence, but as Edmund Burke said. "Better be despised for too anxious apprehensions, than ruined by too confident security." It does leave the open question, if by hacking and DDoS, the real security Websites were offline the only source available could be the clones. It is by a simple step to include by DNS redirection, cookie plants, and other exploits, to ensure visitors went to and continued to visit the false, cloned sites.
Consider the mayhem that could be caused by providing bad file downloads and misinformation using these sorts of exploits, botnets, and spam, or even distorting the core news and advisories this sector, its enterprise customers and the press depend upon. Worst of all, even without any changes from the real sites, the data gathered from all those misdirected, security-minded visitors would be hugely valuable.
Obviously the intended outcome of the attacks and the clones is to damage reputations, create distrust, and ultimately make it easier for cyber-criminals to operate. The good news is thanks to swift action, these discovered clones and the hacker site serving them are offline. This is certainly not the last we will see of this approach.